
The Application Process

If you would like to study in the school in the heart of the city that focus on changing the world for better tomorrow, you’re choosing the right place. We do not use special formulas to select students. We look at every single applicant’s application who suit to our community.

Candidates(Guardians) are requested to follow the below admission procedures to secure your(child's) future with an all round nourishment and development in all aspects.

You are creating through your choices, even now. Choose wisely.

  • If English is not the candidate’s first language, proof of their English proficiency level is required. (We will schedule an assessment)
  • Entrance Assessment will take place online. Assessment includes an entrance test in each subject applied for, and an academic interview with a Head of Department from the School.
  • The Admissions Panel will confirm whether an offer will be made
  • Make Payment and confirm the admission

Documents Required

Student Details

  • check Passport size photograph
  • check Birth certificate
  • check Aadhar card / Passport
  • check Previous year's report card.

Parent's details ( both Mother and Father)

  • check Passport size photograph
  • check Pan card /Aadhar card / Passport

Curriculum Structure

Our programs are designed and delivered as a full – fledged school environment at home. We cater to the needs of our learners from Primary years till Secondary years program.

We look forward to welcoming your child into our growing community. Homeschooling gives your child an opportunity and flexibility to choose the best courses available in the market

Primary 1 –  5

1 - 5

Lower Secondary 6-8

Lower Secondary
6 - 8

Upper Secondary 9-10

Upper Secondary
9 - 10

Advanced 11 –  12

11 - 12

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