
At peeracadémie , we offer a complete schooling structure and International classroom exposure to the learners by peer engagement , extra interaction sessions with experts of different fields. I believe that experiential, inquiry-based education is the key to success for learners at all levels. As a Mentor, I hope to motivate learners in ascertaining their inner strengths and abilities and discovering what truly inspires them.

We aim to provide a stimulating learning environment that encourages learners to trust their own opinions, while fostering confidence in order for learners to realize their full potential. As teachers, We are committed to doing anything we can to help our learners learn and achieve their goals. Our team works hard to come up with lessons that will help every learner better retain the subject matter.

We will incorporate participatory activities, technology, guided practice, problem-based learning, and real-world applications to help students make progress and build on their skills. Through my teaching experience thus far, I have found that facilitating rather than dictating is a highly beneficial style of teaching. I have learned that if learners construct their own learning experiences, they will not only retain information longer, but they will also become more confident in their abilities.

Being a highly motivated and passionate educator, I welcome the opportunity to meet with you online to discuss how our teaching style and skills would benefit your child in our educational program.

- Neetu Sood

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